Author John Ogden’s ‘Shibboleth – The Shamans’ Apprentice’ is a novel of both the sacred and profane

Shibboleth The Shamans Apprentice. Author: John Ogden


The first time I died I had just been born

After writing and publishing five books through my company Cyclops Press, I am about to release my debut novel.

Shibboleth The Shamans Apprentice is a novel of both the sacred and profane. It is a story with moral purpose, based on an extraordinary account of one mans journey along a less trampled path. The overriding thematic concern of Shibboleth is the search for Truth. It is a meditation on good and evil, and a love story that explores the rift between love and trust.


The first round of crowdfunding in 2015 successfully raised enough funds to employ two great editors, and I was also able to engage a legal opinion. Although the novel is a work of fiction, it is set in a very real world and actual events. Shibboleth is not just a good read it contains an important message.

The first round funders were the heavy lifters. They got the book over that important line during its development, when no-one knew if I could pull this off or not. For this I am eternally grateful, and wish to say that the writing/development took longer that I expected, but the book should now be ready for delivery to you in just a few months.

The delivery date for the second round funders is much safer, and if there ever was a risk about the book falling over, there isnt any now. Please share with your friends and help a new author. This project has taken over 4 years of my life, and the risks of working so long without income are very real. I have never received a grant in a career spanning 4 decades, and with what is happening to the Arts Council at the moment might never get one. I am offering good value rewards, but I want to tell everyone who suscibes to this campaign, that I appreciate each and every one of you.


Will Oakley begins his journey with a restless existential romp through an extraordinary period in human history. Along the way he meets a collection of unlikely mentors, and is initiated into an ancient culture misunderstood as an outmoded shibboleth. This vast pool of spirituality and knowledge explains the genesis of mankind and the truth of our nature. It also holds clues to the fate of humanity.

Increasingly Will is drawn into violent acts, including kidnapping, and even murder. He is wounded in love and war, imprisoned and tortured and, in turn, enlightened. Wills dark gifts as a spiritual warrior are gradually revealed to him.

Shibboleth is breathtaking in its scope.It has all the makings of a page turning adventure story, complete with lashings of satire, humour, pathos, love, sex, drugs, rocknroll, violence, politics, mystery, philosophy, creation, international cities, complexcharacters and no less than the meaning of life.


Ive had a blast reading and working on Shibboleth.Thestory is sure to have far-reaching appeal it is packed with compelling characters and events, rich with symbolism and philosophy, and bursting with contemporary history and intrigue. Ogdens command of language engages and holds the reader,pushing the movement of the story through its paces.
Brigitte Staples.

Shibboleth The Shamans Apprentice is an amazing read; profound, shocking, hilarious and inspiring, with incredible characters and events set in exotic locations around the world ~ from Bali to Bhutan.
Din Heagney.

Raise the final funds for design, proofing, and printing of a special advance edition

See Campaign:
Contact Information:
John Ogden

Ready Fund Go, News Category, Reward-Donation, United Kingdom, Global Regions, Crowdfunding


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Source: Icrowdnewswire

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