BiXeGear – Discover The New Special Bike !: Keep fit and Have fun! Discover the new special bike

BiXeGear – Discover The New Special Bike !


                             Let’s introduce Bixe 

The Bixegear’s innovativeness lies in the main concept : think alternative to ride your bike. We changed the way of conceive the concept of cycling as we know it with the alternating pedaling. The Bixegear permits to go forwards even pedaling backwards.

                                               what people are saying

“We wanted the rear facing person to be able to pedal whichever way they want. With your Bixe Gear, we were able to accomplish just that. The rear facing rider now has the ability to pedal which ever way they please so they don’t have to worry about accidentally pedal backwards. The Bixe Gear was an essential contributor to our success in this past years race. Additionally, we fully anticipate using the Bixe Gear during the next race in 2016. We are very satisfied with your product and recommend its use in other two way facing rovers at the competition”. 

     Tom Frost, Project Leader of the 2015-2016 CCSU NASA Rover Challenge Team

“I made an official visit to the pavilion dedicated to the Sport set up in Bastia Umbra on the occasion of Expo Regalo and I discovered the BIXE Gear ! I was curious to try it and I have been impressed by the performance of the mechanism”.

        Giovanni Malago, President of the Italian National Olympic Committee (CONI)

“It’s amazing the sense of well-being that I felt on trying the alternating pedaling backwards and forwards, while maintaining a constant stroke frequency . I recommend it to all professional and amateur cyclists”.

                 Massimiliano Gentili, Professional Cyclist“The alternating pedaling increases the strenght of the ciclyst with a lower wear of the joints and a greater comfort for the joints districts involved, especially for the knees and the ankles”.

           Giovanni Boni, Surgeon Specialist in Medicine of the Medical Sport of the                    Italian off-road cycling team at the LONDON OLYMPICS 2012.

                       Features &Technical specs


                                      Bixe at work 
We patented and manufactured the only bracket that lets you use your bike riding both forward and backwards. The front chainrings, that turn ever onward allow to you to use the gearshift and the derailleur, also pedaling backwards. The Bixe does not alter the structure or function of the bicycle itself. Conversely, it adds one more chance in its use because it allows to exploit different muscles , due to the effort reversal.

Imagine to have the possibility to go forward even pedaling backwards.

                                                   for sports & for fitness 


                                             for fun &  to everyday life


                                        to discover the explorer within you


The Bixegear’s innovativeness lies in the main concept : think alternative to ride your bike. We changed the way of conceive the concept of cycling as we know it with the alternating pedaling. The Bixegear permits to go forwards even pedaling backwards.

See Campaign:
Contact Information:
Giovanni Pignatta
Barbara Passeri
Luca Comodi

Indiegogo, Reward, Manufacturing, English, Other passenger vehicles, Automotive, European Union, Italy, Industry verticals, Regions, Types of Crowdfunding deal, Language


Source: ICNW

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