Calling For Oliver
A young man rediscovers his identity.
Imagine waking up in the dark. This is the reality of thousands of people who live with RP, a blindness that slowly takes over your field of vision, until there is nothing but black.
Oliver is an intelligent young man with a keen interest in the natural world. Most of his childhood was seen through a magnifying glass, alongside his inseparable best friend, Lily. Years later, when Oliver is diagnosed with RP he feels that part of his identity is taken from him and he doesn’t know whether he’ll ever find it again.
We are a group of 5 Film students who are endeavouring to make a short drama exposing the reality of blindness. We are working in conjunction with the Royal London Society of Blind People who are assisting us with ensuring our representation is as accurate as possible. We ask for your support in achieving this vision and spreading awareness through this creative and universal medium.
Who are we?
Bethany Cornelius – Producer
I am an aspiring Film Producer, working on a number of projects that involve telling the honest stories of real people. I love having the ability to communicate authentic representations through this universal medium, which is why I am passionate about this project.
Luisa Zabel – Director
I am an aspiring Film Director and dedicated to this project. I find film a great medium to tell stories and fascinate people. With this project I have already learned so much that I want to share, hoping the film can make a positive change in many lives.
Tom Turner – Cinematographer
My role will be to capture every visual moment of the film, using camera and lighting. I am excited about this project as the narrative provides me with an opportunity to present a unique visual insight from the perspective of someone with visual impairment.
Jed Bullman – Screenwiter
I wanted to write this story because I am interested in the way in which circumstances, such as a disability can affect, and ultimately change, a character as well as their relationships and dynamics with others. I already have a strong interest in screenwriting and knew this project would be a great challenge that would only help to further improve my writing.
Holly Bourdillon – Editor / Sound-designer / VFX
I am in charge of all aspects of Post Production. This project enables me to show the audience visually and audibly the challenges of RP. This is an inspiring and fulfilling experience that I’m so exited to learn from.
Your contribution will go towards:
- Transportation
- Production Design
- Catering
- Accommodation
- Distributions
Not only do we want to raise funds for our film, but we also want to contribute to the amazing work that the RLSB is doing. So, if we reach our target 30% will be donated towards funding for equipment needed to assist young people with Visual Impairment disabilities.
Imagine waking up in the dark. This is the reality of thousands of people who live with RP, a blindness that slowly takes over your field of vision, until there is nothing but black.
See Campaign: https://www.indiegogo.com/projects/calling-for-oliver
Contact Information:
Bethany Cornelius
Indiegogo, News Category, Reward-Donation, English, United Kingdom, Global Regions, Crowdfunding, Language
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