Circuses And Dinosaurs And 1918, Oh My!

LOS ANGELES, 4 October 2015–After contributing his artistic talent to shows like “The PJs” and “Celebrity Deathmatch” and taking awards for his amazing animation and stop motion shorts in features such as “Fish Tales”, Timothy Smyth is bringing a thrilling tale straight from our childhood imaginations.

A silent film showing a classic circus crowded with dinosaurs is a tale that sends a chill down our spines as we anticipate its release, and we can do so with your help!

TYRANNOCIRCUS REX () is finishing its first Indiegogo campaign run.

Set in 1918, TYRANNOCIRCUS REX spins a tale of a circus arriving to town with the most unusual animals ever witnessed, living dinosaurs.

If you just imagined JURASSIC WORLD in stop motion, then you’re close to the awesomeness of what Tim’s vision on the silver screen will be!

The cost of a cup of coffee contributed to this campaign will allow this vision to become reality.

Head over to the Indiegogo campaign website, , and support this wonderful project!

Chuck Tyler

PS–It’s great to meet you. I’m a huge fan of your website and wanted to pass on something new that could be a nice fit for your film & television section. I’ve attached images of TYRANNOCIRCUS REX’s creator, TIMOTHY SMYTH. Our Kickstarter page has a video and bullet points on why TYRANNOCIRCUS REX Kickstarter project is unique.

We think TYRANNOCIRCUS REX Kickstarter project could be a great story for you for these reasons:

Dynamic Duo–Timothy Smyth and .

Daring Plotline–The preternatural fascination with dinosaurs is entwined with our morbid curiosity of circuses. Combine those with a silent movie motif, and audiences are mesmerized.

Demographics –Google Analytics show that of 2,154 unique visits to the project website (), almost 70% (68.4%) are from males aged 18-44, a choice demographic that is heavily targeted by advertisers.

If you’re interested, please let me know how I can make the writing process easy for your team.

Thanks for taking the time to check us out.

Contact Information:
Chuck Tyler
Associate Producer

See Campaign:
Contact Information:
Chuck Tyler
Associate Producer

Indiegogo, United States, Donation, Reward, Movies/Music Videos, Social Media, Television, North America, Video games, Media & Entertainment, Industry verticals, Regions, Types of Crowdfunding deal


Source: ICNW

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