Coinsilium IPO: A blockchain focused investing company, listing in London on the ISDX Growth Market

Coinsilium IPO

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Coinsilium Group is a blockchain focused investing company, supporting early-stage ventures through investment, acceleration, development and education.

A blockchain is an immutable decentralised database that chronologically records the transfer of ownership of assets, the most well know application being Bitcoin, a peer-to-peer currency and payment network. At Coinsilium we believe that Bitcoin acted as a proof of concept for blockchain technology and now tech entrepreneurs, banks, large corporates and governments are recognizing the other potential applications of this technology.

Coinsilium is the culmination of 2 years’ work commencing in 2013 that saw the establishment of one of the world’s first bitcoin incubators, Seedcoin. In 2014, we formed Coinsilium and have built up a portfolio of interests in blockchain companies; we also offer a suite of services, including corporate/business advisory, media & communications, investment solutions, brand positioning and other professional services.

Coinsilium now intends to admit to trading on London’s ISDX Growth Market in Q4 2015 as the first London listed company focused on blockchain fintech investments.


In parallel with this campaign on Seedrs, Coinsilium is also raising funds via its brokers. The “investment funded” amount above reflects funds being raised through other sources.

Shares purchased pursuant to this Campaign will be held by Seedrs as nominee electronically through CREST by means of depositary interests representing such shares. Any sales of interests on the ISDX Growth Market will be executed through Seedrs’s broker and will be subject to broker transaction fees in addition to standard Seedrs fees. Seedrs intends to instruct Cannacord as its broker in relation to this Campaign, although Seedrs may appoint an alternative broker in the event that its terms become uncommercial. Cannacord’s transaction fees are currently £30 plus 0.75% commission.

The draft ISDX admission document can be viewed here:


Our vision for Coinsilium:

• Invest: Coinsilium invests in pre-VC start-ups within the blockchain sector who are pioneering new applications that commercialize and utilise blockchain capabilities. We source potential investment targets through our network of contacts in the industry and through attracting and filtering the best potential startup companies.

• Accelerate: our startup accelerator program, Block Chain Space, will provide a conducive environment for the founders of early-stage blockchain startups, to receive business development training and to hone their entrepreneurial skills.

• Develop: through our expertise and contacts we are well placed to explore and develop new concepts and applications that utilise blockchain technology, and to generate revenue streams through internally developed IP. We identifiy and develop synergies between early-stage blockchain ventures and more established companies.

• Illuminate: Coinsilium’s education and research division offers tools and resources to professional organizations to assist participants in understanding blockchain technology and its potential for industry disruption and business integration.


To date, Coinsilium has made investments in eleven start-ups leveraging blockchain technologies across a wide ecosystem, including mobile wallets, payment gateways and processors, trading platforms, exchanges, security solutions and financial services amongst others.

Coinsilium has helped facilitate investments from Kuala Innovations Limited, an investment company run by Stephen Dattels and Jim Mellon into two of its investee companies, SatoshiPay and Factom. This is the first public demonstration of our growing co-investor network.

As at the date of this Seedrs campaign, the Company has agreed a number of revenue generating consulting and advisory contracts (some of which are only effective following admission to the ISDX Growth Market).

We have developed the first of its kind CPD accredited course on Blockchain technology, titled Bitcoin, Blockchain and Beyond (expected to launch in Q4 2015).

We are designing a seven day Blockchain Tech Lab for developers and CTOs to learn about and experiment with Blockchain technologies, expected to launch in Q4 2015.

Coinsilium is an active member of Innovate Finance and will look to work with them to help promote fintech in the City of London.



Why are we raising funds?

We want to make further investments in the following Blockchain companies within our existing portfolio:
– Factom
– Fuzo
– Magnr
– Neuroware
– Rivetz
– SatoshiPay

We want working capital to help fund the growth of Coinsilium’s corporate advisory services and accelerator program which Coinsilium believes is essential to helping our investee companies achieve their milestones and gain meaningful traction and attract further funding for development.

Cameron Parry, Executive Chairman of Coinsilium has stated that: “having spent two years building the proposition and achieving critical mass, Coinsilium is now able to achieve ‘first-mover advantage’ by offering public investors the ability to gain exposure to this fast moving disruptive technology space.”

Coinsilium Group is a blockchain focused investing company, supporting early-stage ventures through investment, acceleration, development and education.
See Campaign:
Contact Information:
Cameron Parry
Eddy Travia

Seedrs, Equity, English, United Kingdom, Investment Services & Trading, Financial Services, Industry verticals, Regions, Types of Crowdfunding deal, Language


Source: ICNW

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