GreenScene Agritek Inc.: A green agriculture technology solving the environmental crisis of waste

GreenScene Agritek Inc.

GreenScene Agritek (GSA) provides a patented and proprietary green infrastructure to solve the local and global equine waste bedding crisis while producing a higher margin, better healthier premium recycled wood fiber shaving, called ‘Refined Golden’ Recycled Bedding for resale into the local communities that Plants are built.

GSA has taken a vast undesirable waste stream whose containments are entering our land, air, and water creating numerous heath and environmental hazards, and successfully created multiple new revenue streams.

There are 10 million horses in North America. The equine community spends $4.5 Billion on hauling used bedding from stalls and buying new bedding. GSA Facilities and GSA bedding will directly benefit from this revenue stream. There are 59 Million in the world and where a horse is stabled inside creates 1 ton of used bedding per month. That creates millions of tons of used wood fibre bedding being inadequately disposed of globally.

We can reduce this environmental waste caused by used bedding by over 30% in each region a Plant is built. Thus creating a social sustainable, profitable, business model for the worldwide agricultural equine industry. We are producing bedding in Vancouver BC already for the local market and ready to build GSA-series Plants.

GSA continues to market their technology in a strategic manner with letters of intent to start meeting industry demand. Planning for 17 plants and 4 per year after that. Each 2000 series plant is built on 3 acres for $3m USD with an ROI of approximately 3 years.

Co-owned Plant revenues are generated from manufacturing markup and commissioning, ongoing royalties and dividends. GSA intends to own key corporate locations increasing cashflows and gross revenues for the corporation. Creating accumulative revenues of $20M in 5 years

GSA is endorsed by horse associations HCBC, Universities UBC & Guelph, & Accredited Lab Silliker Mérieux NutriSciences, and Ambassadors.

1: Tax Credits

The company is EBC eligible for 30% TAX CREDITS to investors. GSA has raised $3 Million in investor driven debt equity. Plus, received grants from IRAP IAF NSERC and SR&ED for over $350K

2: Main Investors :

Bill Boesterd – Bedding Supply owner and CEO of Denbow
Peter Breederland – Greenhouse Industry owner.

3: F&F Investors:

Friends and Family making up 28 investors for $300K

4. Companies

a. GreenScene Agritek is a federally listed Canadian Incorporated company with EBC status
b. GSA-US is a US registered C.Corp 100% owned by GreenScene Agritek

A green agriculture technology solving the environmental crisis of waste build up by providing a sustainable recycled bedding to the worldwide equine industry.
See Campaign:
Contact Information:
Paul Cross
James Paradis
Kelly Cross
Steve Godley

gust, Equity, Equipment & Supplies, Canada, English, British Columbia, Agriculture, North America, Industry verticals, Regions, Types of Crowdfunding deal, Language


Source: ICNW

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