Help Us Reverse Climate Change – The Natural Way
- We only have 10 years left to do something about climate change.
- Reducing fossil fuels will not be enough, we already have too much carbon in the atmosphere, so we need to remove it.
- Dr. Ingham and her living soil consultants have already trained hundreds farmers to do this by changing to soil and plant ecology practices that remove carbon from the atmosphere and put it in the soil (approximately 3 million acres).
- Jimmy and Elaine have already invested more than $50,000 setting up the company, creating the training programs, selling the program to Woolworths in South Africa, etc.
- The Fair Carbon Exchange has borrowed a further $25,000 to cover the initial training costs in South Africa.
- Now we need the funding to complete the training of the Woolworths farmers who will be sequestering the carbon over the next year or two.
- Please help us to do this, your contribution will be spent on training farmers to sequester carbon.
You can view details on how the money will be spent by scrolling down past the section below.
Details of the Project
The Fair Carbon Exchange has been developed to raise the bar and set the standard for rapid carbon sequestration. Our priority is to tackle the climate change issue by taking the excessive amounts of carbon out of the atmosphere and nestling it into the soil.
Are you aware of the fact that as much as one third of the carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is actually a result of the way we farm? Yes, we have released the carbon that was stored in the soil, held in soil organic matter, humus, and soil organisms. Now, it’s time to replace what has been mined out of the soil. This process must be done in a safe, efficient and effective way that can be repeated and replicated for years to come.
With your financial support, we will be able to complete the first phase of this massive implementation. Our soils team is already busy training farmers and conservationists in this simple and effective methodology. They are learning how to reestablish the soil food web and organic matter that modern farming methods have destroyed.
Major South African Retailer Lends a Hand
We have contracted with a Major South African Retailer (Woolworths (Pty) Ltd. – not related to US Woolworths) and with a non-profit Game Reserve where disadvantaged black students are trained in conservation methods. We are setting up training for 1,000 of the Woolworths farmers by training students in these methods. Woolworths have committed millions of dollars to the project in the form of travel costs, laboratory and audit costs, salaries and expenses for their senior managers and technical agricultural consultants, all of this as part of their commitment to sustainable agriculture. Like all other food retailers, they do not, however, feel that it is their responsibility to take on the costs of training the farmers in specific farming practices relating to carbon sequestration. Jimmy and Molly have started working with two of the biggest farmers who supply them, to create a roll out of the method to all their farmers. This will require a lot more of their time, both on site and remotely to ensure that these 1,000 farms succeed in making the switch to high carbon farming. We need the financial support to train living soil consultants in South Africa, as the farmers are doing it because they will be paid for the carbon they sequester in the coming years, but they cannot pay for the training now, as the switch to the new methods involves many costs initially. As the new methods work, they will become eligible for carbon sequestration payments and this project will become self funding. Jimmy and Elaine have been funding the project for the last 9 months and have also borrowed to get it launched. However, they cannot continue to operate without your help to cover costs.
Please scroll down for details of how the money will be spent.
Your reward for contributing – join a group – advise and guide us
Whatever you contribute will result in carbon being removed from the atmosphere due to the training you will be supporting. You will be welcome to join our founder members group who will receive regular newsletters and can vote on key issues related to our program. All contributors or $20 or more will receive a certificate showing how many tons of carbon dioxide their contribution has removed from the atmosphere. All contributors of $100 or more will be invited to join our Fair Carbon Club and join our quarterly discussion sessions. Contributors of $500 or more will be invited to join our major decision advisory group.
The Fair Carbon Exchange has been developed to raise the bar and set the standard for rapid carbon sequestration. Our priority is to tackle the climate change issue by taking the excessive amounts of carbon out of the atmosphere and nestling it into the soil.
See Campaign:
Contact Information:
Jimmy Sinton
Elaine Ingham
Molly Haviland
Loida Vasquez
RocketHub, Reward, English, Natural Resource Management, Waste Management, Environment, Industry verticals, Types of Crowdfunding deal, Language
Source: ICNW