How to do content marketing for crowdfunding


In our previous article we explained why content marketing is important for your crowdfunding campaign. Now we are going to tell you how to do it more effectively.

Content marketing for crowdfunding is not just a video. That’s the basics. You should definitely do it, but if you want to grow your audience and expose yourself to more business opportunities and sales, you must take action in all fronts possible while keeping your campaign cost effective.

First and foremost, you should have a blog. Hire a reputable professional company or writer to post for you, and be assured they copy check and fact check every piece of content. It is your reputation that is at stake, so carefully examine everything in the beginning. Be assured that most of the content you publish in your blog stays in it. Don’t just post your articles everywhere on the web. Original content is important if you want to rank in Google.

Then, you should get links to it. We are not talking just about a Facebook page, although mixing them together is certainly a good idea. Do some guest posts in well known blogs with established audiences (though Google has advised against it, if you don’t optimize anchors in your articles, you should be okay). Make people know your site is alive.

Promote your content. It looks strange, but buying Adwords and promoting your posts in Facebook is a cost effective way to grow your visibility exponentially. Plus, by doing it you’ll gain followers, shares, likes and possibly links, all of which combined with good user experience signals can boost your rankings in search engines. And you definitely want those rankings.

Just as you shouldn’t neglect SEO, you shouldn’t neglect social media as well. Be present in every media that matters to your business. Make sure you properly post to each channel, with the right titles to entice people to read your articles. You can and should automate everything you can, by installing a plugin like nextScripts in your WordPress blog to publish your posts in every social media channel. Then create each post thinking about one or more specific social media channels. Here are some tips:

  • Facebook users love videos and images. Make sure your automatic posts plugin properly grabs media in your posts to publish on the channel. People using Facebook are mostly in their smartphones and in leisure time, but bear in mind that many people use it professionally or to read news as well. So your titles should appeal to your public, to the people profile that follows your page
  • Instagram users love images, but you can post short videos (3 to 15 seconds) as well. People use it mostly in leisure time, so make sure your posts are attractive to people in that mindset.
  • Linkedin users love career related articles. You can use Pulse to boost your articles but you can get better results if your posts are related to that public. Make sure your titles are serious, provocative and instructional in nature. It is a good idea to set up your plugin to post automatically only from a given category.
  • Twitter is mostly about text: your title must be well crafted to your audience. Twitter is used by all types of people, though it tends a little towards influencers. That’s why you shouldn’t neglect it.

Last, hire a PR agency, like iCrowdNewsWire. Companies like ours have journalists and strong social media influencers in our database, so by hiring us you can make sure your content reaches people who can write about you in high traffic vehicles. This will increase the chances that you get larger exposure and help your SEO, by making your blog more likely to get links from reputable sources. iCrowdNewsWire is specialized in press release distribution for crowdfunding and SMEs, so we are the best channel on the internet to leverage your content marketing efforts.

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, Blog


Source: ICNW

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