We need funds for the operational costs involved, in delivering the Hygiene2o Portable Sink to the poor communities that need it the most and to maintain its affordability to these communities.
About us
We are a starting company that very recently got incorporated. We specialise in design solutions for living challenges in the developing world and believe in a ‘Less On Profit. More On Philanthropy’ philosophy. As a starting company we are struggling to maintain the cheap price of the Hygiene2o Portable Sink due to the high costs of initial production, although these costs will go down considerably once we pass this phase. We are just starting to contractually manufacture in the Phillipines, a strategy meant to keep the price low and we are keeping our profit margins small. What we currenltly earn is channelled back into the business for operational costs. Our main focus is on ensuring the Hygiene2o Portable Sink reaches the communities that need it.These communities have difficulties in accessing water and life is a struggle to collect, store and use water hygienically.
About The Hygiene2o Portable Sink
The Hygiene2o Portable Sink concept was conceived from research on rural livelywoods in developing countries as part of a final year major project in BSc Hons Product Design.
The Design process included the direct participation of a rural focus group in the eastern highlands of Zimbabwe. This participation also established a great need for the product.We also took into account, the fact that the current crop of portable sinks on the market are way beyond the reach of those that are financially challenged.
We ensured the Hygiene2o Portable Sink was sustainable. The material used to manufacture is recycled plastic from TAT industries in the Phillipines and the whole unit can be recycled at end of life cycle. The bottom container can also be used for storing other things when the unit is no longer in use as a portable sink.
Throughout the development of the Hygiene2o Portable Sink a focus on cost and hygiene promotion was maintained. We also strove to keep the final design simple but effective.
Developing Countries
In urban and rural areas in developing countries access to water, water usage and storage can be a challenge and often simple chores and practices such as washing hands can lead to forced unhygienic practices that result in ebola and cholera epidemics. For example one pail of water can be used to wash several hands and often dishes are rinsed in the same water. This sink solves these hygiene issues.
The sink is made out of recycled plastic and comprises a 15-20 litre container that is housed on a bigger tray bottom countainer. The top container is detachable and can be used to fetch water.The bottom tray container also has multiple uses and can be used as a storage container for groceries when the sink is no longer in use. Water is dispensed by way of a hole underneath the top container neck.
As a new company We need funds for inventory building ,marketing and other costs involved in running our company.
Help us bring this great product to the communities that need it the most. The sink can save lives.
Visit our websites: http://hygiene2o-ltd.myshopify.com/ and http://www.hygiene2o.co.uk/423201441
Hygiene 2 o Ltd.
A much needed sink, it can be carried, moved and easily stored. It encourages hygiene in homes without tapped running water and can also…
See Campaign: http://www.crowdfunder.co.uk/hygiene2o-portable-sink/
Contact Information:
Hygiene 2 o Ltd.
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Source: ICNW