Kwijten Tony social beer: a special Belgian beer that interacts with the additional social smartphone app

  • adminadmin
  • icnw
  • noviembre 30, 2015
  • 0 Comentarios

Kwijten Tony social beer

Welcome Tony!

Hi there! We are digital designers from Belgium. We want to bring the social experience to the next level. Therefor we want to make a delicious Belgian beer with an additional smartphone app. Keep in mind that the funding is mostly for the application itself.

  • We love Belgian beer and the new technology, combining those two would be interesting. 
  • We noticed that people on parties are paying more attention on their smartphones than on the people themselves. The app can change this, you get funny social assignments to do with your friends and strangers.
  • The app is the most expensive part of this crowdfunding. After this crowdfunding we want to bring the beer worldwide. So please sponsor us and make the experience happen.

Do you want to be on the label of Tony? On the wall of fame? or just an exclusive bottle. Check out our perks or read further. 

What exactly is a Tony? 

A Tony is a person who thinks about other people, amusing them and making their day. A person that never has enough friends and is busy socializing with his environment.

  • The beer is Belgian crafted with a twist of coriander and honey. Watch out! Because this is a heavy one.
  • The more funds we get, the crazier the app gets. Development and server storage are expensive, getting more funds will let us do more things with the app. Adding features like user logins, high scores, etc…
  • If we don’t reach our goal the perks will be delivered BUT the app might not make it.

Why be a Tony

Because the world needs more people like this and deserves a beer like this.

  • Get social! You can already chat on our website with other strangers from over the world. 
  • Please like us on Facebook / Twitter and please share!

Hi there! We are digital designers from Belgium. We want to bring the social experience to the next level. Therefor we want to make a delicious Belgian beer with an additional smartphone app.

See Campaign:
Contact Information:
Dennis Blarinckx

Indiegogo, Reward, Beverages Non Alcoholic and Alcohol – Wine/Spirits, Belgium, English, European Union, Mobile and Social Apps, Computers and Software, Food and Beverage, Industry verticals, Regions, Types of Crowdfunding deal, Language


Source: ICNW

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