LeeLuu: The magical, touch-sensitive nightlight!
LeeLuus are soft, touch-controlled nightlights that help kids sleep. They run on hugs and cuddles!
LeeLuu Nightlights are the cuddliest, most magical soft nightlights to help kids sleep! They can sense your touch and they give children a comforting light when they need it.
I love to sleep and take naps for most of the day. But in the night if youre scared Ill glow the shadows away!
The night is my friend and Dream is my homeland. Come along on the journey, Ill take you by the hand!
Sometimes when im scared I roll into a ball. But when my friends need me, Ill be the bravest of all!
Children travel through their imagination on their way to sleep. LeeLuu is a companion on that journey, a friend who spreads a comforting light.
LeeLuus feel like magic because they are touch-controlled. This is also very practical, children instantly get the light they need, when they need it, without having to get out of bed.
The LeeLuus work in the most simple and intuitive way. You can turn them on by squeezing or hugging them. To get the right brightness, gently pat them on the back.
Squeeze or hug to switch your LeeLuu on
Pat its back to adjust brightness
LeeLuu is designed to stay with your child as they grow. Thats why the LeeLuus are both washable and easily rechargeable. You can remove the fabric cover with a childproof zipper and wash it. The batteries are charged with a standard Micro-USB cable (included in the package), the same as is used for many smart phones.
LeeLuus are touch controlled. This is possible because of textile sensors that can “feel” human touch.
This is enabled through conductive fabrics, fabrics that can be used to measure changes in electric field. Through measuring these changes, a multitude of inputs can be sensed, for example touch.
Developing textile sensors and great applications for them is LeeLuu Labs core expertise. We have patent pending for our own unique textile sensor technology. Our goal is to develop even more products based on this new patented tech.
Kids have active imaginations. Thats a wonderful thing, but it can also make night time a bit scary for them sometimes. Fear of darkness affects 8 out of 10 kids and many children don’t get enough sleep because of it. Like many parents, our co-founder Emmi Pouta has had this challenge with her own children. Her experience helped us when we created LeeLuu Nightlights.
LeeLuu Labs is a startup based in Helsinki, Finland. Our founders are from Finland, Sweden and Germany. We share a strong background in design. Developing products for the real needs of people is at the heart of what we do.
From left to right:
Hanna Markgren
Is an industrial designer who leads all the work we do with users. She is also the maker of all our beautiful illustrations.
Lisa Gerkens
Is an industrial designer who has specialized in products with built-in electronics. She builds the coolest prototypes so we can test out all our products quickly with users.
Heini Salovuori
Is our business developer specialized in customer experience. Shes the one who makes sure all our creative ideas make proper business sense.
Emmi Pouta
Is a textile designer in charge of the textile technology that enables the LeeLuus to be touch-controlled. She has two children who are our very own in-house testers.
We love building and product development! Our first LeeLuus were developed together with over 100 children in the Helsinki area and their families. The kids helped us design both how the LeeLuus look and feel, and how they work.
The LeeLuus have also been tested at home with families. The biggest problem from those tests was that kids didnt want to give the LeeLuus back. You can read areview from Krista at the Puutalobaby family blog (in Finnish). She tells us her kids immediately fell in love with the LeeLuus.
Textile design and Characters
Workshopping with kids
LeeLuu visiting testers at home
We are happy to have been awarded the Design from Finland mark, together with great brands such as Iittala and Marimekko.
In order to be part of every step of the production process, were producing the LeeLuus here in Europe.
Before shipping, the LeeLuus will be properly tested and certified. Our independent partner Grant4com will be in charge of the testing process. They will help us make sure all the LeeLuusfulfilall necessary certifications and safety regulations.
We will be ready to start producing as soon as this campaign reaches its goal. We have selected our partners for production who are waiting for our go-ahead. In this campaign we sell the complete first batch of LeeLuus and are aiming to deliver before Christmas 2016!
We spend a great deal of time figuring out all challenges and potential problems that might arise.
While the LeeLuus are ready to produce, please be aware that a lot can happen during the production. In order to make sure the best possible product comes to your house some minor changes might happen.
We have chosen our estimated shipping date very conservatively and left some buffer for potential delays. We cant give a guaranteed shipping date, but we will do our utmost to ship on time.
Whats a LeeLuu?
LeeLuus are soft nightlights. They glow from within and are controlled by touch.
How many characters are there?
There are three characters. Hedgehog, Owl and Cat. As soon as the campaign is over well contact you and ask you which one you want.
Are the skins changeable and washable?
Yes they are! You can remove them very easily without having to fiddle with any cables.They can be replaced with a new skin or then washed.
Can I buy extra-skins?
Not right now, but soon you will be able! Just follow our journey and we will keep you updated.
Are LeeLuus Safe?
They certainly are! LeeLuus meet all necessary safety regulations and standards of the EU and the USA.
Where are you producing?
We are producing in Europe. Its important for us to be able to be part of the process and make sure everything goes according to plan.
How do I charge my LeeLuu?
Just open the childproof zipper to access the Micro-USB charging socket, then take the cable (yes its included comes with your order) and plug it in!
How long do the batteries last?
The batteries last up to 20 hours on full strength. Average use is 30 mins to 2 hours per day.
What is the lightsource in LeeLuu?
LeeLuu has 6 electrically efficient LED lights. LEDs dont produce heat and are cool to the touch.
I don’t live in the EU or USA can I still get a LeeLuu?
We can make that work! Please send a request at crowdfunding@leeluu.fi Make sure to put “Other country Order” in the subject and we will get back to you!
Why does Hedgehog have purple ears?
It’s just mad cute and goes well with his spikes.
How do I choose the character?
Once all orders all in and the campaign successfully finished, we will contact you to confirm your buy and choose your character (Hedgehog, Owl or Cat)!
How does this crowdfunding thing work?
Crowdfunding is there for people to make projects happen together. When many people buy a LeeLuu in advance we can afford a production run and you will get your LeeLuu! This is a great way to make cool project come alive!
What is inside LeeLuu? How does LeeLuu keep its shape?
LeeLuus essentially have 4 parts: a plastic enclosure that holds electronics and batteries,a foam piece that gives shape, a textile sensor, the cute cover that holds it all together.
For what age-group of children is LeeLuu suitable for?
LeeLuu is primarily designed for kids between 3-12 years old. We have learned that it is the key age in which children travel through their imagination on their way to sleep. LeeLuu is a companion on that journey, a friend who spreads a comforting light.
Can adults buy LeeLuus?
Yes you can, they are totally good for grown-ups as well and we get that question a lot! You are not alone, my friend.
Web Sales Terms and Return Policy
The Indiegogo LeeLuus come with 14 return policy. You may cancel any time before you have received your order or until 14 days have passed from when you received your order.
If you cancel your order, you will have to pay for your shipping when returning the products.
LeeLuus are manufactured and sold by the Finnish limited liability company LeeLuu Labs Oy (Business ID 2661620-9), located at Betonimiehenkuja 5C, 02150 Espoo, Finland. You can contact us by visiting our website leeluu.fi or by e-mail crowdfunding@leeluu.fi.
In case you are not happy with our conduct, you may report us and your dispute to the Finnish Customer Dispute Board, http://www.kuluttajariita.fi/en/.
We deliver to countries covered by CE and FCC regulations. Namely countries of the European Union , the United States of America.
Return form information:
Right to Cancel:
You have the right to cancel this order within 14 days of receiving the products (or at any time before receiving the products) without stating any reason.
To cancel your order, you have to notify us (LeeLuu Labs Oy, business ID ID 2661620-9), located at Betonimiehenkuja 5C, 02150 Espoo, Finland, leeluu.fi, +358(0)469338695 by e-mail within the cancellation period atcrowdfunding@leeluu.fiwith the subject Order cancellation. You may use the attached return form, but it is not necessary. You may also fill out our cancellation and return form at our website, leeluu.fi. If you choose this option, we will immediately notify you via e-mail of having received your cancellation order.
To stay within the cancellation period, it is enough that you notify us of your cancellation order within the cancellation period.
Effects of Canceling:
If you cancel your order, we will return everything you have paid to us, shipping costs included (excluding possible additional costs, if you have opted for a more expensive shipping type), without undue delay and in any case within 14 days of receiving your cancel order. We will return the sum paid using the same payment method you used in your original order, if you have not explicitly agreed upon other means and in any case using a method which will not cause costs to you.
We may keep your your money until we have received the items you returned.
For returns, please send the products back to us (LeeLuu Labs Oy,Betonimiehenkuja 5 C, 02150 Espoo, Finland, 00560 Helsinki, Finland) without undue delay and within 14 days of sending the cancellation order to us. To stay within the return period, it is enough that you send the products back to us within those 14 days.
You will have to pay for the shipping costs for the returns.
In case the value of the products have declined, you may be responsible for the part that does not result from the handling and use necessary to confirm the nature, features and functionality of the products.
The products are sold as is and LeeLuu Labs makes no express warranties concerning them. However, the customer will always have the rights set out in the Finnish Consumer Protection Act (38/1978) or the European Consumer Directive.
Pre-order Clause:
This Indiegogo campaign is for pre ordering LeeLuu. We will take our best efforts to finish the products so we can deliver in December 2016, but due to the nature of the project, we can give no guarantee on this.
LeeLuu Nightlights are the cuddliest, most magical soft nightlights to help kids sleep! They can sense your touch and they give children a comforting light when they need it.
Youtube: https://youtu.be/Jz8oSFEyg84
See Campaign: https://www.indiegogo.com/projects/leeluu-the-magical-touch-sensitive-nightlight–2
Contact Information:
Lisa Gerkens
Indiegogo, Reward-Donation, United States, News Category, English, North America, Global Regions, Crowdfunding, Language
The post LeeLuu: The magical, touch-sensitive nightlight! LeeLuus are soft, touch-controlled nightlights that help kids sleep. They run on hugs and cuddles! appeared first on iCrowdNewswire.
Source: Icrowdnewswire