What’s worse is that the viable alternatives are very limited and usually too difficult for the average caller to implement or have a severe lack coverage areas. With today’s technology, such a limited array of options is ridiculous. There has to be a better way.
We put our vast telecommunications expertise together with our extensive technological knowhow and developed a powerful new option.
Using the latest digital innovations in cloud based communications we found a way to drastically reduce the price of international calls and texts while also increasing coverage and services. From individuals with family in far away homelands to multinational corporations who need to field calls from multiple countries – MultiTEL is providing a far more affordable alternative.
Also, with more countries covered and more service options than any VoIP provider on the market, MultiTEL is making calls across the globe as easy and affordable as calls across town.
Staying connected with their friends and families is a priority for this sprawling population. Many also keep track of businesses in their home countries. What they all have in common is the need for a reliable and affordable telephone communications platform.
With global competition more competitive than ever, even small companies in small countries sell products and services worldwide. Companies across the globe are in dire need of an inexpensive and reliable communications solution to stay connected with and support their customers.
The problem for all of these groups is telecommunications companies have a stronglehold on the market and set their prices far above what is realistic making international phone calls far more expensive than they should be. The technology is there to reduce the prices, the market is there, all that was needed was someone to do something about it. So we did.
So how do we do it? The simple explanation is we provide our customers with phone numbers in their home countries. For example:
99% of international telephone conversations go like this:
John, located in the United States calls Pierre, located in another country (let’s say France).
When Pierre calls back, he will call John’s United States phone number.
Both calls are direct and both are costly for John and Pierre.
How we do it better:
We provide John with a French phone number and we provide Pierre with a US phone number.
When John calls Pierre’s US phone number, we forward that call from Pierre’s US phone number to Pierre’s personal cellphone number in France.
When Pierre calls John’s French number, we forward the calls for John’s French number to John’s personal cellphone number in the US.
And just like that was an expensive international call is now an affordable local call. Simple.
But here’s the best part:
For an international call to Europe from the US, T-Mobile/AT&T/Verizon are currently charging in excess of 20 cents US per minute. With MultiTEL’s service we are able to provide that same call for less than one cent per minute.
Worldwide we are providing huge cost savings for both our personal and corporate customers.
Currently we connect our customers and service providers with telephone networks in over 100 countries and provide the ability to call over 200 countries- twice the coverage of our nearest competitor.
On top of the massive savings and increased coverage areas we are also empowering companies to reach the global marketplace through additional services such as: VoIP, international phone numbers, free hosted PBX, telecom voice switches with e911 services, texting/sms and CNAM services.
With a working product, countless current customers and an eye toward constant improvement please view a timeline and key points that show MultiTEL’s accomplishments thus far as we ramp-up to large scale implementation:
In addition our APIs currently enable popular customer mobile applications with over 300,000 downloads.
We put our vast telecommunications expertise together with our extensive technological knowhow and developed a powerful new option. Using the latest digital innovations in cloud based communications we found a way to drastically reduce the price of international calls and texts while also increasing coverage and services.
See Campaign: https://www.fundable.com/multitel
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Fundable, Equity, United States, English, Internet, Computers and Software, Industry verticals, Regions, Types of Crowdfunding deal, Minnesota, Language
Source: Icrowdnewswire