Muzeums: an app that delivers automatically personalized experiences to visitors in museums

  • adminadmin
  • icnw
  • noviembre 24, 2015
  • 0 Comentarios





Muzeums is an app and platform for museums that help museum visitors get a unique individual experience based on their personal interests and learning style. It does that by dynamically rearranging tagged, location based & experiential content. In other words, when you use Muzeums, the app will create, on the spot, an experience that is tailored specifically for you,­ with the content that you’re interested in, and even delivered in a way you’d prefer, be it a media tour guide or a real-­time interactive social game.

One of the most important advantages of Muzeums is how economical it is. It can reuse content that was already digitized (e.g. through Europeana), and it can use each content unit in numerous structures and ways, according to the user’s age, preferences, interests etc.

Intended impact

We aim to radically change the museum visiting experience.

Today the standard visitor experience involves handheld devices, providing an audio/visual guide. That is a solution that is only available for established and successful museums, since the cost of creating and maintaining this solution is high. Some wealthy institutions also create tailor-made apps to enhance the visitor experience. We feel that these are even more expensive and less reusable than handheld guides.

Our solution will be extremely economical, it will be based on BYOD technology (bring your own device) and it will change according to each user’s characteristics. Therefore we will impact both the market and the consumers:
1. as a result of our freemium model, all museums, even small ones, will be able to afford high-quality visitor experience based on advanced technology, with different experiences created from the same content.
2. Each visitor will get a personalized experience straight to his device, with content picked out for him according to his interests, and organized in a structure that will appeal to him (a guide, a game, questions etc).

Substantial accomplishments to date

Muzeums was recently accepted to SOUL-FI round B, an EU acceleration program, funding 75,000 EUR for creating our first product using FIWARE technology.

We have gathered an award-winning team to work on Muzeums – our team of employees have created “Europeana Beacon”, a location based cultural heritage app integrating beacon technology, which won the Apps4Europe award in the 2014 Pisa Hackathon, and is currently promoted by Europeana.

We have already created a prototype of the app that can be viewed in this video.

Use of proceeds.

We will use the proceeds from this round as following:

20% completing our final release of the app
20% upgrading capabilities for the platform for museums to enter content
40% marketing and service
10% legal& accounting
10% other expenses

The money will be added to the 75K EUR funding from SOUL-FI.

Muzeums is an app and platform for museums that help museum visitors get a unique individual experience based on their personal interests and learning style.
See Campaign:
Contact Information:
David Pond
Simone Figlié
Andrea Fastame
Luca Finocchiaro
Ephraim Pepe

Seedrs, Equity, United Kingdom, English, Computers and Software, Mobile and Social Apps, Industry verticals, Regions, Types of Crowdfunding deal, Language


Source: ICNW

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