My Mate Your Date
The Idea
We’re passionate about enriching real world relationships.
My Mate Your Date is an intelligent dating platform that unearths and suggests only a handful of your best suited matches at 5pm daily, focussing on quality over quantity. With c.15,000 members (primarily in London) and c130,000 ‘accepted’ match suggestions we have achieved product/market fit and are ready to scale in the UK.
The online dating industry is in a state of transition as a result of the exponential growth of mobile dating apps such as Tinder. However these apps increasingly cater for casual encounters, which we believe is ultimately unfulfilling for genuine relationship seekers.
My Mate Your Date curates that universe of singles and suggests only the most suitable matches, which results in more meaningful interactions. Only 3-5 matches are suggested daily at 5pm with a focus on singles who are within your existing social circles, so you have overlapping friendship groups from the outset, adding a layer of trust and credibility.
My Mate Your Date connects young adults who are seeking meaningful relationships. We do this by suggesting only a handful of potential matches for members at 5pm daily, focussing on existing social circles.
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Contact Information:
CrowdCube, Reward, United Kingdom, English, Computers and Software, Mobile and Social Apps, Industry verticals, Regions, Types of Crowdfunding deal, Language
Source: ICNW