Reimagine the hiring process
ProfHire, is a single source solution connecting pre-vetted scholars and industry experts with teaching, consulting, speaking, and subject matter expert engagements. Our matching technology and pre-vetting process enables employers to colleges to fill part-time positions faster, easier and they will get better results.
See Campaign:
Contact Information:
Lesa Hammond
Tak Oda
Jonathan Jiang
ProfHire, is a single source solution connecting pre-vetted scholars and industry experts with teaching, consulting, speaking, and subject matter expert engagements. Our matching technology and pre-vetting process enables employers to colleges to fill part-time positions faster, easier and they will get better results.
See Campaign:
Contact Information:
Lesa Hammond
Tak Oda
Jonathan Jiang
AngelList, Equity, English, Internet, Computers and Software, Industry verticals, Regions, Types of Crowdfunding deal, Language
Source: ICNW