SA Wines for Life: By trying these exceptional wines, you support South African wine farm communities & a way of life

  • adminadmin
  • icnw
  • noviembre 23, 2015
  • 0 Comentarios

SA Wines for Life


South African Wine Farms

Did you know there’s a difference between wineries in the United States and wine farms in South Africa? While wineries in America tend to be mass-mechanized production businesses, wine farms in South Africa are communities in which most employees and their families live and work together. Wine farm owners care for the well-being of those in their communities and often provide or contribute towards housing and education for the workers and their families. The wines they produce through traditional, hands-on methods, such as hand-picking and hand-sorting, are literally the production of a community. South African wines are some of the finest in the world, as proven by the many top awards given each year by international wine competitions.


Wine Farm Upliftment

Contributing to the demand for authentic South African wines increases production and funds for wine farms, and those additional funds go back into wine farm communities, sustaining a generations old way of life. Your contribution not only brings farm to table South African wines to the United States, but you’ll have the satisfaction of providing unique support for wine farm communities in South Africa.


Continuing the Tradition

Mass-mechanized wine production threatens the wine farm way of life. But you can help! Contributing to SA Wines for Life enables Sovereign Selection to continue supporting SA wine farms with the importation of these amazing wines and creating awareness through education and events in the USA. These efforts lead to increased demand, which increases production, enabling South African wine farms to continue the tradition.

Your Contribution

In exchange for your contribution, you’ll receive some of these superb wines, which make up most of our contributor levels. Some levels offer wine goodies, while most include top quality farm to table South African wines. You’ll be able to taste the dedication of these wine farm communities for yourself. Your participation directly leads to the support of South African wine farm communities, their generations old way of life, and their traditional hands-on production methods.



South African wines are some of the finest in the world, as proven by the many top awards given each year by international wine competitions.

See Campaign:
Contact Information:
Jay & Monica Sadie
Janelle Davis
Eddie Roman
Ben Harrison

Indiegogo, Reward, United States, Beverages Non Alcoholic and Alcohol – Wine/Spirits, English, Florida, Food and Beverage, Industry verticals, Regions, Types of Crowdfunding deal, Language


Source: ICNW

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