Spring Mountain Minerals
Invest in Valuable Natural Mineralized Soil
Las Vegas, Nevada, US
mineral, soil enhancement, livestock feed supplement, soil amendment, minerals
Spring Mountain Minerals, LLC
Investor Equity
Investors will be given a 10% quota share interest in Spring Mountain Minerals, LLC (SMM).
Return on Investment (ROI)
Investors will be paid 10% of the Net Operating Profit (after taxes) for each year starting in Year 1. For example, ROI for Years 1 5 will be as follows:
- ROI Year 1 1%
- ROI Year 2 15%
- ROI Year 3 29%
- ROI Year 4 44%
- ROI Year 5 60%
Five-Year Option
At the end of Year 5, SMM has the option to repurchase the 10% quota share interest in SMM at a value of $9,000,000 or the book value of SMM, whichever is greater. If SMM does not exercise this option, the investors may keep or sell their 10% quota share interests in SMM.
Spring Mountain Minerals, LLC (SMM) is a Nevada-based company that is seeking an investment to establish a mining operation on 7,500 acres of BLM mining claims located 25 miles to the south and west of Las Vegas, Nevada. SMM will build a processing plant near the mining claims to crush, size, package, and ship product to customers. The processing plant will be built at Jean, Nevada, on property leased from the Union Pacific Railroad adjacent to a spur and the main rail line. A satellite processing plant is being planned in Oklahoma.
According to recent seismic work, the depth of the naturally mineralized soil averages 20 feet on the entire 7,500 acres. This naturally occurring mineralized soil can be used in two major markets, as follows:
Livestock Mineral Supplement:
The naturally occurring mineralized material would be beneficial to good animal health in its natural form. However, the product does not have the palatability necessary for animal consumption in its natural form and, therefore, be competitive. Consequently, other items must be added. The finished product would contain the following materials:
- Naturally occurring mined mineralized material
- Sodium Chloride (Salt)
- Vitamins A, E, and D
- Dehydrated Molasses
- Zeolite
A person with a degree in Animal Food Science will be on board to design formulas for livestock minerals. The finished materials will be packaged, palletized, and shipped to distributers nationally and internationally.
Soil Amendments & Remediation Replacement for Fertilizers:
The mineralized material is a good quality soil amendment in its natural form. However, SMM has developed a blend of its naturally mineralized product with an 18% mixture of natural zeolites to produce and market a superior product.
Marketing & Sales
Key factors in marketing and sales are the presentation of product benefits, colorful and well-designed retail packaging, and monetary gains to major distributors in the U.S. and abroad. A website will be designed to represent the products and services of the company and to educate the users of said products. Brochures and advertisements in trade publications will play an important role in the marketing and sales efforts. Arrangements have been made with PMC Madencilik, a major distributor in Istanbul, Turkey, to distribute the SMM products in Europe, the Middle East, and Russia. Contracts are currently in place to sell product in Mexico and South America.
Competitive Advantage and Strategy
SMM plans to mine the mineralized material and process the minerals in Jean, Nevada, outside of Las Vegas, at a location adjacent to both Interstate 15 and the Union Pacific Railroad where trucking and rail facilities are available. SMM will create a competitive advantage to achieve market penetration by establishing lower wholesale and retail prices for the products sold in the initial stages of marketing and sales. Also as part of the competitive strategy, SMM will educate potential customers and end users on the merits of providing a mineral supplement to a livestock feeding program.
SMM has signed a management agreement with McCoy Gold Mines, LLC (MGM) to mine, process, and market products related to the Soil Amendments & Remediation and Livestock Mineral Supplement. Sam Cooper, CEO of MGM, uses his 40-plus years of experience and knowledge of all phases of mining and related machinery and equipment to direct all phases of the mining operation. Sams expertise has been successfully applied in 33 countries around the world.
Spring Mountain Minerals Property Photographs
Las Vegas Metropolitan Area/Clark County Location Map
View looking northwest of property from I-15 at northernmost portion
View looking southwest of property from I-15 at northernmost portion
View looking northwest of property from Goodsprings Road near I-15 at southernmost portion
View looking west up Goodsprings Road, along the line of the southern edge of property
View looking southeast from property (Power Line Road), located about a mile east from Goodsprings Road, about four miles east from I-15; looking down at Roach Dry Lake
View looking northeast from property (Power Line Road), about a mile east from Goodsprings Road, about four miles west of I-15; looking down at Jean Dry Lake and Sheep Mountain
View looking west from property (Power Line Road), about a mile east from Goodsprings Road, looking at Bird Spring Range
Spring Mountain Minerals, LLC (SMM) is a Nevada-based company that is seeking an investment to establish a mining operation on 7,500 acres of BLM mining claims located 25 miles to the south and west of Las Vegas, Nevada.
See Campaign: https://www.crowdfunder.com/SpringMountainMinerals
Contact Information:
Sam Cooper
Crowdfunder, Equity, News Category, United States, English, North America, Global Regions, Crowdfunding, Language
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