The Painted Tree
A young boy, dealing with the loss of his mother, goes in search of a mythical healing tree.
Short Summary
‘The story of a boy losing his mother is one that is all too familiar in our lives and unfortunately it happens to people near and dear to us.
I suffered this loss 2 years ago when my mother was sadly taken from us by cancer. Since then I have been through a lot emotionally and dealt with it the only way I know how, by writing and putting the ranging emotions I felt in to ink.
I have been writing for many years now and have even been lucky enough to have been shortlisted in festivals around Europe and the United States.
This film is important to me as I feel like it is a fitting end to a difficult chapter in my life, and I want to make it a good one.
Until now I didn’t feel comfortable letting people in on those feelings, but now I am ready and working with Nick Blyth (Director), Elliot Hawkins Wemyss (Director of Photography) and Sophie Stacey (Producer) we believe that we can create something special with this film.
So please give as much as you can to help us making this film as great as it can be. I have already poured my heart and soul in to the script and I know that everybody else on board with this project will do the same.
With your help we can give this film everything it needs to make it special.’
Dan McKenna – Writer of ‘The Painted Tree’
What We Need & What You Get
We need £3,000 to make this film happen.
This money will pay for casting, transport, accommodation and most importantly costume and props.
We have a range of rewards waiting for those who decide to help make this film a reality. They range from a social media shout out, to a visit to the set and even tickets to the premiere!
If we don’t reach our goal we will still push to make this film as good as it can be.
Meet the team:
The Impact
You’re contribution will help us to make this film the way we think it deserves to be made. This film will be made no matter how much money we collect as we believe in this film and we want to tell this story, but with your help we won’t have to cut any corners or settle for anything less than the best.
The story of a boy losing his mother is one that is all too familiar in our lives and unfortunately it happens to people near and dear to us.
See Campaign: https://www.indiegogo.com/projects/the-painted-tree
Contact Information:
Sophie Stacey
Indiegogo, Teens, Family, Consumer, Men, Women, Children, Reward, United Kingdom, English, Movies/Music Videos, Media & Entertainment, Industry verticals, Regions, Types of Crowdfunding deal, Language
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