TradeMachines: the global search engine for pre-owned machines, ranging from diggers to production machines

  • adminadmin
  • icnw
  • noviembre 23, 2015
  • 0 Comentarios




The Market for Pre-owned Machines Is Changing

Each day, diggers are sold from Europe to Africa. Each day, tractors from the U.S. are shipped to South America, and production machines from Switzerland are shipped to Asia. Consequently, hundreds of thousands of such transactions take place around the globe every day. Machine Trading has only just begun to shift to the Internet.


Finding a Used Machine Is Sheer Coincidence

Today, thousands of sellers around the globe are offering their used machines for sale on hundreds of websites. In Germany alone, there are approx. 100 industrial auctioneers and 8,000 dealers. On Google, however, it is hardly possible to find special offers concerning machines. If, for instance, one searches Google for “Agrarmaschinen” (agricultural machinery), one gets almost 38,000 results.


Having searched many dealer websites or machine auction websites, purchasers may eventually find a suitable machine by chance. Still, in such cases, purchasers will not be aware of all relevant machines offered on the market, especially if they are searching for a suitable machine around the globe. It’s time for a change!





TradeMachines Helps People Search the Market

We have solved the problem of searching the market in an elegant way. Indeed, we collect offers from the many trading platforms, dealers, and machine auction websites there are, thus providing purchasers with an overview of the entire offer. This has long been possible for flight search on the Internet, but it is only just beginning in the area of machine trade thanks to TradeMachines.




Agreements with Market Leaders and Unique Strategy Ensure Competitive Edge

Within two years, we have become the global market leader in pre-owned machines. Today, TradeMachineshandles almost one third of machine auctions in Europe. Toward the end of this year, we will have 1 million active offers on our platform for the first time. Nonetheless, TradeMachines is already the largest database for pre-owned machines within the market. Thus far, machines worth a total of €2 billion have been listed on TradeMachines.




TradeMachines is a meta search engine for a specific category – just like Trivago for hotels or Ladenzeile for consumer goods. (A meta search engine collects as many offers on the Internet as possible, thus enabling customers to easily get an overview of the offers and prices for certain products.)




Now It’s Time to Shape the Future!

We are in the right place at the right time. TradeMachines is a brilliant idea (Börsenzeitung). Next year, we plan to further improve our position as the market leader. Consequently, our internationalization will be our main focus in 2016. It is our goal that in the future, all machine experts will be browsing TradeMachines while having their morning coffee in order to read the latest news; we are providing users with a service that is actually fun to use.

As a Companist, you can support us in making history worldwide, shaping a market, and fostering international innovation from Berlin-Kreuzberg.



TradeMachines is the global search engine for pre-owned machines, ranging from diggers to production machines. Every 8.6 seconds, we connect a purchaser with a seller. We are promoting digitization within a fast-growing market and already handle as many as 30 % of auctions in Europe.

See Campaign:
Contact Information:

Companisto, Equity, Machinery & Tools, English, Manufacturing & Production, Industry verticals, Types of Crowdfunding deal, Language


Source: ICNW

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