Freedom’s Route: SMART-ER Career pathways VR can be used for students to career shadow positions they may never have a chance to other wise

Career Pathway VR can be used within k-12 education and be used for new hires within an organization. The point of the system is to show understudies the importance of what they’re studying in the classroom, whether they need to go to a two year school, a four-year college or go straight into the universe of work. Understudies will start to find out about potential vocations in elementary and middle school so they are prepared to pick a pathway once they achieve secondary school. • To give understudies the chance to apply the information and abilities gained in their courses to investigate identifying with a vocation interest area
• To permit understudies to broaden their scholastic experience into ranges of individual vocation hobbies, to incorporate working with new thoughts, associations, and people
• To urge understudies to contemplate scholarly, proficient, and/or social issues and to encourage build up their explanatory and moral administration aptitudes
• To give understudies the chance to refine research abilities and exhibit their capability in composed and/or oral communication skills
Understudies require the chance to make profitable associations between themselves, instruction, and the universe of work. Instructors require the chance to make associations with understudies with an end goal to help them in answering the accompanying inquiries:
Who am I?
Where am I going?
How am I going to arrive?
The VR content would complement the state wide initiatives and give real life representation of organizational culture. This event helps provide students with an understanding of the many different careers with a focus on STEM careers. It could include:
• Career pathway interactive assessments
• Age appropriate pathway learning lessons o Elementary
? Who am I?
o Middle
? Where am I going?
o High school
? How am I going to arrive? (Organizational and University Recruitment career inspiration)
The SMART-E bus programs provide opportunities for our students to work in team projects and develop problem-solving skills AND experience career clusters using virtual reality. Our programs remain active in a continuous process of maintaining current in all materials, equipment and practices to stay at pace with the global advancements in technology. The SMART-E bus curriculum implements and integrates the group in the participation of hands on, project-based activities making connections to real world applications. Project-based activities will increase the participants understanding in the design, development and engineering process. Dr. Jacob Jacobson, known for VR research within k-12, referred to it as a
“K-12 educational circus that accelerates VR adaption within the system”. This platform is definitely something that is needed and wanted.


Career Pathway VR can be used within k-12 education and be used for new hires within an organization. The point of the system is to show understudies the importance of what they’re studying in the classroom, whether they need to go to a two year school, a four-year college or go straight into the universe of work. Understudies will start to find out about potential vocations in elementary and middle school so they are prepared to pick a pathway once they achieve secondary school.

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Freedom’s Route

StartupValley, Primary/Secondary, United States, Equity, Continuing/Colleges/Universities, Education Aids and Products, Alabama, Schools & Courses, English, Education & Training, Industry verticals, Regions, Types of Crowdfunding deal, Language


Source: Icrowdnewswire

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