PORTLAND, OR October, 23, 2015 — CoreConduit Consuilting started by Cory Potter is determined to bring automated gardening to every home with or without an Internet connection. Mr. Potter announced today that his hydroMazing garden controller and monitoring system is available to the crowdfunding community via KickStarter. When asked, “What makes hydroMazing so special?” Potter smiles and explains, “The hydroMazing grew from my personal desire to make home hydroponics easier and accessible to everyone. I believe that everyone has the right to be self-sufficient and want to help make it easier to do so. The hydroMazing system uses wirelessly controlled AC outlets avoiding having to tinker with dangerous electrical current. The indoor grower will no longer have to fuss with wires and cords. What’s more, I offer free tips and guides while building each system by hand with my commitment to quality.” While the system is designed for the home hobbyist with an interest in gardening, it is powerful enough to handle various additions and capable of expanding. “What makes it truly amazing is that it controls the mundane aspects of gardening such as monitoring temperature, humidity, water-level, etc and turning on ventilation fans, humidifiers, water pumps, and much more with it’s easily scalable open-source platform.”
“I think aquaponics is a good goal but I try to encourage those interested in starting to try hydroponics and see what works. I’m currently focusing on moving as many devices as possible to solar-power so that the system can operate completely independent from electricity or an Internet connection.”
Mr. Potter also offers a free Indoor Gardening Plant Care checklist at his website. Using open-source Arduino components, sensors, and modules makes hydroMazing less dependant on a single retail source for parts offering the community a much more flexible alternative to automated systems requiring special apps or Internet data reporting. “I’d rather have my garden manage itself and tell me when it needs something rather than have a constant monitoring service in the sky.” Potter admits he is a little paranoid when it comes to data collection services, but with all the big corporations having security holes, he says “why give hackers a way in when it’s not necessary?”
More info available at hydromazing.coreconduit.com
Contact Information:
CoreConduit Consulting is based in Portland, OR and owned and operated by the hydroMazing system’s maker, Cory Potter, cory@coreconduit.com
Kickstarter, Reward, Types of Crowdfunding deal
Source: ICNW