We believe the Best of Times Bar is the most versatile piece of furniture someone can buy and definitely the most fun party centerpiece. In about two minutes, you can take the product from the wheeled case and set it up into a fully functional portable bar complete with an umbrella. The bar has an in-shelf ice cooler that can hold a case of beverages and three total levels of shelves. The fabric for the bar, umbrella and stool covers is all interchangeable so you can completely change the way the bar looks for different events. Whether its a backyard tiki bar party, a tailgate, or even a corporate function, Best of Times Bar provides the ultimate presentation and experience.
We are actively selling the product and have been for over three years. Please visit our two websites for more information or Google us to see our comprehensive retailer product listing.
Backers of our product can rest easy knowing they are buying the hardware for our product and have multiple wrap options to choose from. This way, our repayment will not be dependent on selling specific designs which therefore ensures we will meet our commitments on time, if not before. This is our first deal on Kickfurther, so we need to gauge the experience and true cost of capital, but we will exceed the sales velocity estimated in this deal projection.
Help us spread the word about this awesome product! Use Promo Code KICK100 to save $100 on any order over $299.
There are multiple markets for our product: consumers, party rental firms, and event marketing companies/professionals. Our tiki bar designs are the #1 seller in the consumer segment, while our custom designs have been used to promote companies large and small. The ability to change the design of the product provides versatility not seen before and helps justify the investment, although alternative products are more one dimesnional and tend to be more expensive. We will be funding bars and umbrellas as well as stools in sets of 4.
About Best of Times LLC
Founded in 2010 and refined in 2011, Best of Times has established a foothold in the market with growing sales each year. We have refined the business model to focus on the retail accounts and channels that make sense and we increased our custom channel, which offers higher margins. Sales continue to grow every year and word of mouth is strong, since everyone loves the item when they see it in person. It’s an expensive item to make, so cash flow is the main challenge, but we have a strong sales track record and have fulfilled every financing agreement made thus far.
About the owner
Bestof Times is a family owned business, with the developer of the product itself aclose family friend. When we first saw the prototype and took it to a SanDiego Chargers tailgate party, the reaction was instant with dozens of people gravitating over to our tailgate party. As a longtime marketing executive, I knew we had something and decided to personally partner with theinventor to bring the product to the market. I always wanted to market and sell something totally unique, which our product is, and we have yet to meet someone who says they didn’t like it.
We believe the Best of Times Bar is the most versatile piece of furniture someone can buy and definitely the most fun party centerpiece. In about two minutes, you can take the product from the wheeled case and set it up into a fully functional portable bar complete with an umbrella. The bar has an in-shelf ice cooler that can hold a case of beverages and three total levels of shelves. The fabric for the bar, umbrella and stool covers is all interchangeable so you can completely change the way the bar looks for different events. Whether its a backyard tiki bar party, a tailgate, or even a corporate function, Best of Times Bar provides the ultimate presentation and experience.
Youtube: https://youtu.be/1y7urCWJtEY
See Campaign: https://kickfurther.com/offer/best-of-times-custom-portable-bars
Contact Information:
Best of Times LLC
Kickfurther, United States, Women, Equity, Consumer, Men, English, Home & Garden, California, Recreation, Lifestyle & Leisure, Industry verticals, Regions, Types of Crowdfunding deal, Language
Source: Icrowdnewswire