Bridging Culture for Learning: Tobique First Nation, with help from Elephant Thoughts, is fundraising to erect a Greenhouse dome with solar extraction fans for an outdoor classroom

Bridging Culture for Learning

Project Image: Bridging Culture for Learning

The community of Tobique First Nation resides on the beautiful St. John river and the Tobique River in north west New Brunswick. We are a Maliseet First Nation Community and are currently struggling to maintain our culture, identity and language as our culture is traditionally an oral one. To help combat this Tobique First Nation, with help from Elephant Thoughts, is fundraising to erect a Greenhouse dome with solar extraction fans for an outdoor classroom. The dome will include physical education classes and walking trails where plants will have plaques in English and Maliseet with relevant botany information.

There are 4 key objectives to our initiative:
1. A dome will be built beside the school and have planting beds for traditional medicines. The elders will plant these beds with the children to teach them traditional medicine, botany, and science and help them connect to their culture while learning;
2. curriculum courses will be developed around the teachings including research techniques of the history and effectiveness of different medicines, writing programs and science all targeting the grade specific study;
3. this project will connect our children to nature, both within their curriculum studies and using the trail and rope course as a resource for physical education classes; and
4. this will be a teaching tool for the non-native schools in the area to assist in breaking down barriers between the cultures and enabling a smoother transition for our First Nations children who attend the local high school.

Elephant Thoughts Educational Outreach

Elephant Thoughts is a unique Canadian charity founded in 2002 by a group of professional educators with a common vision that education is the key to prosperity. We have won awards from The Fraser Institute (Donner Canadian Award in Education in both 2012 and 2013 as well as the Asoka Change Makers Award for our work in Northern First nations. Our mandate is simple: provide the tools to enable sustainable and high standards of education anywhere regardless of socio-economic or geographic barriers. We have 3 primary foci: 1) First Nations and Inuit programs in over 250 communities including science camps/workshops, and graduate support to increase attendance in school, engage communities in education and improve graduation rates; 2) School programs including science workshops, After School Programs and Peer Mentorship/Leadership; 3) Sustainable school programs internationally

The community of Tobique First Nation resides on the beautiful St. John river and the Tobique River in north west New Brunswick.

See Campaign:
Contact Information:
Tobique Narrows, NB

Small Change Fund, News Category, Reward-Donation, English, Crowdfunding, Language


The post Bridging Culture for Learning: Tobique First Nation, with help from Elephant Thoughts, is fundraising to erect a Greenhouse dome with solar extraction fans for an outdoor classroom appeared first on iCrowdNewswire.

Source: Icrowdnewswire

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