Davis Medical Holdings, Inc: a sole-source minority black owend business provider and private-label manufacturing and distributor of disposable medical supplies

Davis Medical Holdings, Inc

Davis Medical Holdings (DMH) is a sole-source minority black owend business provider and private-label manufacturing and distributor of disposable medical supplies, hygiene tissues , plastics bags, pharmaceutical and consumable medical and textiles, skin-care products, and therapeutic bedding products to hospitals, independent physician associations, group purchasing organizations (GPO) accountable care organizations (ACO), integrated delivery network IDN), large retail outlets, and federal agencies( through minority set-side sole source programs.

30 % of patients and corresponding revenues are obtained through minorities in the healthcare field. Less than one tenth of one percent (0.1%) is spent with minority owned firms-including manufacturing and distribution . Federal mandates require hospitals, managed care providers that receive federal funding, to direct up to 30% of their purchases to certified minority owned companies. Currently, less than 1% of all purchases are directed to “certified” minority owned businesses due to deficiencies in providing a total purchasing solution. Healthcare organizations receiving grants or bond support are federally required by law to demonstrate what they are allocating a percentage of their purchases to minority business enterprises (MBEs). Hospitals that receive federal dollars are mandated to do business with diverse suppliers per title 13, volume 1, part 143

Federal, state, and local contracts represent huge opportunities for the company.Many public sector entities have sole source and set-side programs in the healthcare market. As the nation’s only minority private label company offering disposable medical products, DMH will experience a significant boom in: GPOs, ACOs, Urgent Care Centers, INDs, Long Term Care Centers, Health and Human Services, DOD, VA etc. representing enormous growth opportunities for the firm.


Products / Services

Disposable Medical Products

Federal mandates require hospitals, managed care providers that receive federal funding, to direct up to 30% of their purchases to certified minority owned companies. Currently, less than 1% of all purchases are directed to “certified” minority owned businesses due to deficiencies in providing a total purchasing solution.

(DMH) has assembled all of the required components to deliver high quality products at competitive market pricing with excellent customer service. 30 % of patients and corresponding revenues are obtained through minorities in the healthcare field. Less than one tenth of one percent (0.1%) is spent with minority owned firms-including manufacturing and distribution.

• Healthcare organizations receiving grants or bond support are federally required by law to demonstrate what they are allocating a percentage of their purchases to minority business enterprises (MBEs).

Davis Medical Holdings (DMH) is a sole-source minority black owend business provider and private-label manufacturing and distributor of disposable medical supplies, hygiene tissues , plastics bags, pharmaceutical and consumable medical and textiles, skin-care products, and therapeutic bedding products
See Campaign: https://www.equitynet.com/c/davis-medical-holdings-inc?s=p
Contact Information:
Derek Davis

EquityNet, Equity, United States, English, Healthcare, Medical Devices, Georgia, Medical & Healthcare, Industry verticals, Regions, Types of Crowdfunding deal, Language


Source: ICNW

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