Jack and Jill Boutique
About Jack and Jill Boutique
Jack and Jill Boutique was founded 4 year ago. We sell many designer items, the main items being cribs from Bratt Decor, Corsican and Capretti Design, Baby Bedding from Caden Lane, New Arrivals, Little Bunny Blue as well as lighting, rugs and decor items for a nursery. Many of these items are personalized and made to order by small shops run by designers themselves. In addition, we also offer custom bedding when customers want a unique design/ fabric/ color. We are currently investing in our own brand of baby bedding named “Bold Bedding”. This offer is to build inventory for the brand “Bold Bedding”. The products will be sold both on www.jackandjillboutique.com (retail) as well as www.boldbedding.com (wholesale and retail).
We are introducing a series of baby bedding – 10 designs of 3 tiered ruffle skirts that have adjustable drop – typical skirts are 12 inches (basic), 18 inches and 22 or even 26 inches when you want the skirt to pool on the ground for a luxurious look. The crib itself is adjustable base – as the kid grows you make it deeper so the kid cannot come out. This means an 18 inch skirt will be a misfit by the time the crib goes to its lowest setting or it will not touch the floor when the crib is at its highest setting. Our skirts will be adjustable from 12 inches to 20 inches, making it possible to have a beautiful skirt from the beginning all the way to converting the crib to a day bed – a full 4-6 years of use. The final cost to the new mom will be the same as picking a designer skirt from a leading brand. We are very sure based on our experience that these skirts will sell well. So 10-20 designs/colors will be introduced. Paired with crib sheets, railcovers, bumpers, blankets etc, all of which are from designers like Michael Miller, Art Gallery Fabrics, Robert Kaufman etc, we will have multiple permutations and combinations that will not only sell out, but give us a strong sense of the designs that will to into the next round of manufacturing (500+ pieces).
Jack and Jill Boutique was founded 4 year ago. We sell many designer items, the main items being cribs from Bratt Decor, Corsican and Capretti Design, Baby Bedding from Caden Lane, New Arrivals, Little Bunny Blue as well as lighting, rugs and decor items for a nursery.
See Campaign: https://kickfurther.com/offer/bold-bedding-brand
Contact Information:
Nava Rangasamy
Priya Viswanthan
Kickfurther, United States, Equity, Consumer, Women, English, Illinois, Industry verticals, Regions, Types of Crowdfunding deal, Language
Source: ICNW