Organic & Bio-dynamic wine market place: Goal – to create an innovative online marketplace for organic and bio-dynamic wines

Organic & Bio-dynamic wine market place



Bio Wines Australia is an exciting new project that we’d love you to be a part of. Our goal is simple: to create a thriving online marketplace where everything you see is a traditional, biodynamic, organic wine.

Whether you have concerns about the bad stuff found in commercial wine (like preservatives) or you want to explore the vibrant taste and experience of organic wine, we hope you will join us on this exciting journey.

Makers of organic wines are typically smaller, independent growers with a real passion for what they do. The marketplace we want to create will empower these smaller operations and introduce wine enthusiasts to winemakers they’ve never heard of or are too remote to access.

Your support of our venture is valuable to us. We want you to share in our success and take you along with us. This is why we’re offering our supporters free membership to the Bio Wines Australia Club.

Who We Are

First and foremost, the team we’ve assembled to build Bio Wines are wine drinkers. Based in Nedlands, Western Australia, a lot of us got into organic wine as a result of learning what is actually in the food that many of us buy.

Organic and Biodynamic Wines

Most commercially produced wines have had preservatives added as a protection against oxidation and bacterial spoilage. The preservative used is one of a number of forms of sulphur such as sulphur salts or sulphur dioxide.

Wines that are produced using very low levels of preservatives are known as organic and biodynamic wines.

According to the Australian Organic Standard 2013, organic production systems are guided by the following principles and outcomes: 

• Production of naturally safe, high quality, nutritionally vital foods; 

• Optimal production output, with rational and minimised use of inputs; 

• Use of recycling and biological cycles within the farming system; 

• Biodiversity protection and enhancement within the farm and surrounding areas; 

• Regeneration of lands and soils and best environmental practice of farming activities.

We love this and we want to support growers and wine makers that aspire to these principals.  Help us help them.


Bio Wines Australia is an exciting new project that we’d love you to be a part of. Our goal is simple: to create a thriving online marketplace where everything you see is a traditional, biodynamic, organic wine.
See Campaign:
Contact Information:
Mark Thomas
Lleyton Thomas
Reilly Thomas

Indiegogo, Reward, Beverages Non Alcoholic and Alcohol – Wine/Spirits, English, Australia, Oceania, Food and Beverage, Industry verticals, Regions, Types of Crowdfunding deal, Language


Source: ICNW

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