Tractura – Severe Back Pain Relief When You Need It Most: Back pain relief between Physical Therapy visits, 10 – 20 minutes a day to relieve pain and improve your mobility


Tractura – Severe Back Pain Relief When You Need It Most


Get back pain relief between Physical Therapy visits! Use Tractura 10 – 20 minutes a day to relieve pain and improve your mobility.



About this project

Millions of us suffer from severe lower back pain every day!

For most, weekly visits to Physical Therapy is the only option to get relief from severe lower back pain. But what can you do between visits to duplicate the relief lumbar traction offers when pain flares up after a long day at work or after sitting in a car?

Use Tractura for 10 – 20 minutes to relieve pain when you feel it.


Tractura was created by Dr. Gazayerli, a General Surgeon and Associate Professor. For years, he suffered from severe lower disc pain and compressed nerve issues, and like most, Lumbar Traction, (ornon-surgical spinal decompression),was the only therapy that worked for him. As a surgeon, finding time to travel to physical therapy was a challenge. After trying a number of in-home devices that failed to provide the same relief he felt in physical therapy, he decided to create a device he could use at home and at the office to relieve his lower back pain.It’s taken two years and input from numerous spine specialists and back pain patients to develop several prototypes. Now, we’re ready to do our first production run.

With so many devices out there, we’re proud to have a product that provides real relief:

A letter from a grateful prototype participant
A letter from a grateful prototype participant

To help others like Alberto, we need your support getting our product into production!

We’ve set a goal of $197,200 to cover the costs of tooling, materials, and assembly.

Our goal is to begin shipping product to customers by Labor Day 2016.

Please click the green button and back our project!

Thank you!!

Tracktura production timeline
Tracktura production timeline
How your support is being applied to production
How your support is being applied to production
Back pain relief options
Back pain relief options

Meet Mat, he’s been suffering back pain for years. Check out what he has to say!

Risks and challenges

Anyone who has been through the process of bringing a product to market knows that manufacturing comes with it’s own unique challenges. Dr. Gazayerli has taken the time to surround himself with a strong team of people to help support the development, production and delivery of this product.

The prototype is complete. The product is patented. We’ve made final vendor selections for production and assembly, and we’re nearly done finalizing fulfillment.

We’re blessed to have a team of advisors, volunteers, and industry experts to help us navigate the manufacturing and delivery for this product!

As we move forward, we’ll keep you up-to-date with our progress as we move toward our first ship date!

Millions of us suffer from severe lower back pain every day! For most, weekly visits to Physical Therapy is the only option to get relief from severe lower back pain. But what can you do between visits to duplicate the relief lumbar traction offers when pain flares up after a long day at work or after sitting in a car? Tractura was created by Dr. Gazayerli, a General Surgeon and Associate Professor who suffered from severe lower disc pain and compressed nerve issues.
See Campaign:
Contact Information:

Kickstarter, Crowdfunding, English, United States, Reward-Donation


The post Tractura – Severe Back Pain Relief When You Need It Most: Back pain relief between Physical Therapy visits, 10 – 20 minutes a day to relieve pain and improve your mobility appeared first on iCrowdNewswire.

Source: Icrowdnewswire

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