Investor proposal
Join us to develop world-class products and a smoke-free world.
Minimum investment: 1,000 shares for SEK 1,800
Vaping is a disruptive new nicotine replacement therapy method fundamentally changing the existing USD 800 billion tobacco market. Vaping has already become a multi-billion industry with millions of smokers already using this method.
Vapoteket, a Swedish vaping company, has successfully started building a world of vaping brands and products for smokers to quit and for vapers to enjoy flavours and healthier lifestyles. Vapoteket distributes online and in stores. The first step is the 20 billion SEK Swedish tobacco market and then international expansion.
The problem this product solves
A billion people smoke tobacco and almost everyone wants to quit. Most smokers have tried with other nicotine replacement therapies like gum and patches. And then returned back to smoking.
Vaping is a disruptive new nicotine replacement therapy method fundamentally changing the existing USD 800 billion tobacco market. Vaping has already become a multi-billion industry with millions of smokers already using this method.
Vapoteket, a Swedish vaping company, has successfully started building a world of vaping brands and products for smokers to quit and for vapers to enjoy flavours and healthier lifestyles.
How the product solves it
Nicotine replacement therapy is a medically-approved method to assist in smoke cessation. Vaping is providing a new method for NRT, enabling smokers an additional option to quit. Millions of smokers have already opted for vaping as their preferred method.
Vaping is estimated to be at least 95% less harmful than smoking by
Public Health England and can save the lives of millions of people.
Vapoteket develops a world of vaping brands and products for smokers to quit and for vapers to enjoy flavours and healthier lifestyles.
Product features
With consumer friendly life-style products, Vapoteket aims to be the leading company for the growing vaping community in Scandinavia with a strong retail distribution and globally demanded products.
Vapoteket has successfully launched its first line of vaporizers, cumulus and cirrus, and are currently developing the second generation of vapes. We currently develop lines of pure high quality e-liquids that meet the new TPD requirements for the EU market.
We will develop the next generation of our high quality products with a premium line vaporizers, e-liquids and accessories for global distribution.
Product use cases
Smokers everywhere know its is hazardous and would like to quit smoking.
Studies show that the two main obstacles for smoking cessation are nicotine addiction and the smoking ritual. Vaping is a disruptive new nicotine replacement therapy method addressing both of these obstacles.
Vapoteket develops a world of attractive and aspirational world-class vaping products, liquids and accessories. With Vapotekets vaping products, smokers and vapers have a chance to enjoy a healthier lifestyle filled with flavours, scents and social interaction.
It is a fresh start for smokers enjoying nicotine in a healthier way.
Target Market
Vapotekets products are for current smokers and vapers to enjoy.
Globally the market for e-cigarettes is estimated at 3 billion USD with millions of vapers already.
Swedish market
1.5 million people smoke and 2.4 million people consume nicotine.
70-85% of smokers state that they would like to quit smoking.
20 billion SEK for tobacco products and 3 billion SEK for smoking cessation products.
Marketing will focus on product placement, social media and action marketing supported with a retail-concept with tailor-made displays and marketing materials. We will establish a flag ship store in Stockholm for storytelling and sampling.
Competitive landscape
Currently vaporizers are primarily produced by some Chinese brands with some niche brands made in the US. Big-Tobacco launched some of the first generation e-cigarettes, “cig-a-likes” which were widely distributed but those products are now discarded by the vaping community.
E-liquids are produced by several hundreds of smaller niche companies, obtaining local brand recognition, but very few with international reach.
E-cigarettes sales in Sweden have so far been very limited due to limited retail distribution. Most has been through international internet sales.
Unique differentiator from competitors
Vapoteket offers a new fresh world for smokers and vapers.
For smokers – A fresh start with a healthier lifestyle enjoying flavors and better health.
For vapors – Vaping purity. Pure accessible and aspirational products. High quality consumer friendly products with a world of flavors and accessories. We are together with the vaping community building a world of flavors and pure vaping.
For retailers – A tailor made product range of top selling products suitable for physical retail distribution. High quality products with all necessary licenses and documentation required by the EU’s Tobacco Product Directive.
Business Model
Company revenue streams
Vapoteket business model is based on building leading brands in vaping-products with high quality and consumer friendly design.
- We will turn smokers into vapors to grow the vaping market.
- We will have vaporizers, the consumable e-liquids and a growing field of accessories to build a long term relationship with our customers.
- We will develop new products closely together with the vaping community and customers.
- We will work with a multi-channel distribution approach with physical, retail and online channels.
Functions such as marketing, sales, product development, design, IT, production, warehousing and logistics are conducted in-house together with outside counsel/suppliers.
Product/service distribution
Vapoteket distribute our products through three channels
E-commerce platform online – Accessible and scalable online business with international reach
Retail distribution – Retail distribution through Tobacco, Service-trade and FMCG channels with physical presence and distribution.
Vapoteket stores – Vapoteket stores for consumer testing, sampling and selling the full range of products. And to host events for VIP’s, media and retailers. To be opened 2016.
Previous milestones/traction
Vapoteket is a Swedish vaping company founded in 2014 and have successfully reached the following milestones:
- Web shop launched with over 1000 customers
- Cumulus, first propriatorey product successfully launched
- Strong presence in social media with celebrity users and over 2000 followers on Instagram
- Design program implemented
- Retail test-project with tobacco shops conducted, before full scale launch.
Next key objectives
Strategic objectives
- Further establish Vapoteket as the dominant vaping company in Sweden.
- Launch a new range of vapes and liquids tailored for retail distribution
- Launch a stop smoking campaign in Sweden
- Develop a globally aspirational vape-product.
- Establish a profitable local Swedish business platform
Previous Financing
The company has been equity financed from the two founders with no external debt.
Industry Recognition
Industry Certification/Awards
Vapoteket is recognized as a leader in the Swedish market and the natural spokes company for the industry in media and events outside the vaping community.
Vapoteket was as the only e-cigarette company at Almedalen, Visby to debate the future legislation for the e-cigarette industry in Sweden.
Vapoteket cooperates with several famous Swedes to get them to stop smoking, among others;
Use of Funds
Vapoteket is now seeking 3 million SEK to finance the expansion in Sweden.
To further establish Vapoteket as the dominant vaping company in Sweden, the company seeks to finance investments in:
- product development,
- sales staff,
- retail displays
- marketing
This investment should establish a profitable local Swedish business platform. Further capital will be needed to finance an international expansion.